Can You Reduce Your Risk of Dying in a Hospital?

Image result for hospital death

Receiving news of the death of a friend, family member, or loved one in a hospital, is tragic and devastating. Often times, we may think of it as an inevitable consequence of unfortunate circumstances. Whether or not we pray to God, we rest our hopes on the shoulders of the medical team. Fortunately, recent evidence has surfaced that we MAY be able to help reduce the risk of the MOST common cause of death in hospitals: sepsis.

Sepsis occurs when a bacteria, virus, or parasite causes infection, enters the blood, and the body mounts an uncontrolled inflammatory response. Having a weak immune system puts you at most risk, which includes: being very young or old, having diabetes or cancer, or experiencing major trauma or burns. The blood pressure can drop drastically, and blood clots can occur leading to organ failure. So what can be done about this?

Today, I’m going to share the 3 things based on not only a 2017 study that was able to reduce mortality by 87% in sepsis patients, but also based on Dr. Paul Marik’s expertise, who has successfully treated over 700 patients with sepsis at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital in Norfolk, VA using this protocol:


1.Hydrocortisone: Does this name sound familiar? It’s sold over the counter as an ointment to treat rashes or eczema. It’s a medication, which is basically synthetic cortisone–a hormone produced by our adrenal glands when our body is under stress. It helps reduce inflammation, and hence, its utility during sepsis.

Dosage: 50 mg every six hours for seven days or until ICU discharge, followed by a taper over three days.


2. Vitamin C: A study revealed that critically ill sepsis patients had low plasma vitamin C levels, with up to one-third having vitamin C deficiency. It is an important antioxidant, which is gobbled up quickly during the inflammation caused by sepsis.

Dosage: 1.5 grams (administered as an infusion over 30-60 minutes) every six hours for four days or until ICU discharge.


3. Thiamine: Also called vitamin B1, it’s commonly found in multivitamin and b-complex supplements. Sepsis patients can have thiamine deficiency, and it’s also gobbled up quickly. It can also help reduce the build up of lactic acid in the the blood.

Dosage: 200 mg every 12 hours for four days or until ICU discharge


In conclusion, the synergy and dose of these 3 therapies together have averted hospital death in many cases. It’s good to keep this protocol in mind, if one of your friends, family members, a loved one, or even yourself—ever develops the unfortunate state of sepsis. The early signs of sepsis include:

  • Fever
  • Hypothermia (low body temperature)
  • Fast Heart Rate
  • Fast Breathing
  • Confusion
  • Swelling
  • High Blood Sugar


If one is suffering from a weak immune system, then I highly suggest a Hair Mineral Analysis to help balance the adrenal glands, to give the body the specific nutrients it needs.


Thank you for reading.



*All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health conditions.




1.Faloon, William. “Sepsis: Is There Now a Cure?” Life Extension p.7-13. September 2018.

2.Sepsis Alliance. “Sepsis Fact Sheet.”

3.Marik, E. Paul. “Hydrocortisone, Vitamin C, and Thiamine for the Treatment of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock.” Chest Journal. June 2017 Volume 151, Issue 6, Page 1229-1238.

4. Mallat, Jihad. “Do not forget give thiamine to your septic shock patient!” Journal of Thoracic Disease. June 2016.


Top 5 Benefits of Carrot Juice

carrot juice

Drinking 8-10 oz. of carrot juice everyday is excellent for overall health, and works well with Nutritional Balancing via Hair Mineral Analysis. One must drink it at least 15 minutes before meals, or 3 hours after eating a meal. You can have it in the following ways:

  • Juicing organic carrots at home (best)
  • Buying freshly made carrot juice at a store
  • Buying a brand that is pasteurized such as Bolthouse


The top 5 benefits of drinking carrot juice include:

1. Helping the Heart: Cholesterol is something most of us have heard of, and LDL is the specific “bad cholesterol” that the doctor tests for when they draw our blood. When LDL builds up in our blood, it can “harden our arteries” (atherosclerosis), and increase the chance of a heart attack or stroke. When LDL is “damaged” or oxidized, you’re even more likely to get a heart attack.

Fortunately, carrot juice is a good antioxidant that can partially block the oxidation of LDL! 


2. Helping the Immune System: Everyone wants to avoid catching a cold or flu, and not just in the winter months. Carrot juice can be one of many tools that can help boost your immune system.


3. Helping the DNA: Cancer occurs when there is an overgrowth of cells in the body, as a result of DNA becoming damaged or mutated. Carrot juice can help reduce the damage that would otherwise occur in our DNA during our lifetime.


4. Decent Plant-Source of Calcium:  1 cup of carrot juice can give 40 mg of calcium. Although the amount is low compared to a cup of yogurt (up to 450 mg), the calcium in carrots gets absorbed just as well as dairy. There are other plant foods that are a higher source of calcium (spinach), but aren’t absorbed as well.


5. Excellent Source of Beta-Carotene:  When most of us think of beta-carotene, we think of carrots. In fact, it is beta-carotene that gives carrots it’s orange color. Beta-carotene gets converted to the preformed Vitamin A called retinol, which our body converts to the active form to utilize for the health of our eyes, immune system, and skin.

So how much Vitamin A do we need daily? Most adults need about 3,000 IU of retinol, or 18,000 IU of beta-carotene per day. When you drink a cup of carrot juice you get about 33,000 IU of beta-carotene, which is almost double the amount of Vitamin A you need! However, this “extra” beta-carotene is actually an added bonus, since about half the population have a gene variant that DECREASES our ability to convert beta-carotene to retinol from 30-70%.



*All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health conditions.

















What Supplements Should I Take?

Pill-Question-Mark-webToday, there are more supplements out there than ever. It can be confusing to know which type, brand, and dosage to consume. In this post, I will outline the 4 Basic Supplements most everyone can take daily:

1.Vitamin D3 2,000 IU softgels

-Although many brands make Vitamin D supplements, the best is to make sure it’s a softgel, and there’s no soy in the ingredients. One good brand is Healthy Origins.


-Take it once a day with food for better absorption (breakfast or lunch). If you’re very fair skinned, skip the Vitamin D3 supplement on days you get at least 15 minutes of sunlight. If you’re dark skinned, skip the Vitamin D3 supplement on days you get at least a couple of hours of sunlight.


-Wait a minimum of 3 months, before asking your doctor to test your Vitamin D levels. If your level is NOT at least 40 ng/mL, then increase the dose. If it’s ABOVE 60 ng/mL then you can decrease the dose.


*Benefits: Immune System, Bone Health


2. Fish Oil Softgels

-Like Vitamin D, many brands make this supplement. However, it’s more tricky due to mercury contamination, whether the omega-3 is in the more natural (and more absorbable) triglyceride form, and the concentration of EPA & DHA in the Fish Oil.


-At this point, I only recommend Endomet EPA-DHA or Nordic Naturals Omega-3 1,000 mg. Take it three times a day with meals for better absorption (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), or twice a day (2 with breakfast, and 1 with lunch). It can further thin the blood if you’re on blood-thinning medications, so check with your doctor before taking it.


*Benefits: Mood, Inflammation, Heart


3. Magnesium

-Another common supplement that many brands make. A good brand I recommend is Endomet Chelated Magnesium. Take it three times a day (with food if you have a sensitive stomach) as 1.5 tablets in the morning, 1 tablet in the afternoon, and 1 tablet in the evening or bedtime. Or, you can take it twice a day as 1.5 tablets in the morning, and 2 tablets in the evening or bedtime.


*Benefits: Mood, Sleep, Muscle Cramps, Bone Health, Bowel Regularity


4. Calcium

-This is one of THE most popular supplements out there today, especially in older people. A good brand I recommend is NOW Calcium Hydroxyapatite. Take it three times a day (with food if you have a sensitive stomach) as 1 capsule in the morning, 1 capsule in the afternoon, and 1 capsule in the evening or bedtime. Or, you can take it twice a day as 1 capsule in the morning, and 2 capsules in the evening or bedtime.


-DO NOT take calcium without taking magnesium with it simultaneously. This is because the ratio of these minerals are sensitive and important in the body, so please follow the EXACT dosage as I recommend unless otherwise.


*Benefits: Sleep, Muscle Cramps, Bone Health


If one has a chronic health ailment (hormone imbalance, headaches, fatigue, etc), then these supplements may not be sufficient. In those cases, I would recommend a Hair Mineral Analysis for a more in-depth supplement program based on your chemistry. However, these 4 Basic Supplements serve as a good base.



Thank you for reading, and Happy Wednesday!


*All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health conditions.



The Science of Supplementation

Image result for science of vitamins

We live in an era of unprecedented options when it comes to vitamin/mineral supplements. Whether it’s online, grocery stores, or health food stores, we have tons of supplements to choose from. According to NIH, it is a $14.3 billion a year business in the United States1. Many people genuinely believe that supplements help them with their health. On the other hand, some folks call it “expensive urine,” asserting it’s low benefit to cost ratio2. However, as with many things in life, the truth lies somewhere in the middle or the “golden mean,” as espoused my Aristotle, Confucius, the Buddha, and other wise figures of our past. past

This takes me to another ancient figure: Hippocrates. The father of modern medicine who famously said: “One man’s meat, is another man’s poison.” He understood that beyond the basic universal human needs for survival: air, food, and water, there lie differences in human beings when it came to health. This can manifest in a number of ways. One person may be allergic to sesame, the other applies sesame oil topically and gets pain relief³. One person may eat 1 egg a day and their LDL cholesterol rises, another person may not4. Some people can drink 4 cups of coffee a day without disturbing their sleep, another cannot sleep with just 1 cup. Examples of our biochemical individuality is so rampant that it may seem unremarkable to the naked eye. However, this concept is so profound, critical, and subtle, that’s it’s essential to know in order to understand how vitamins and minerals work in the body.

Whenever you take a single vitamin or mineral, you are inevitably affecting many other minerals in your body at once. For example, let’s consider Iron, which is a very common mineral people supplement with today. Here are the effects it will have on other minerals5:


  • Sodium: Due to iron stimulating the adrenal glands6,7,8
  • Magnesium: Since sodium lowers magnesium
  • Calcium: Since it follows magnesium
  • Potassium: Since it goes inverse to calcium
  • Copper: Since tissue respiration is speeding up, copper gets used up more quickly
  • Zinc: Since it follows copper
  • Manganese: Since it goes inverse to zinc


Does this mean one shouldn’t supplement with Iron? No, there may be a time and place for supplementing with it. But if taking a single mineral like iron can have a domino effect on other minerals, imagine the effects that occur when taking up to 30 vitamins/minerals, which are found in multivitamins? This is not to vilify multivitamins, but rather, to illustrate the complex interrelated effects of mineral/vitamin supplementation. More importantly, our bio chemistries vary from person to person. The odds that 2 random people off the street will have the exact same mineral patterns are very slim. Thus, it’s why I use and recommend Hair Mineral Analysis to help specify the supplements one should take in terms of the proper amount and ratio of vitamins and minerals.



*All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health conditions.




1.Multivitamin/mineral supplements. NIH.

2.Forster, Katie. “Multivitamins ‘just create very expensive urine,’ Medical Chief Warns,” The Independent, 2017,

3. The Effects of Topical Sesame (Sesamum indicum) Oil on Pain Severity and Amount of Received Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory Drugs in Patients With Upper or Lower Extremities Trauma. Bigdeli Shamloo MB et al. Anesth Pain Med. (2015)

4. Kristin L. Herron, Sonia Vega-Lopez, Karin Conde, Tripurasundari Ramjiganesh, Neil S. Shachter, Maria Luz Fernandez; Men Classified as Hypo- or Hyperresponders to Dietary Cholesterol Feeding Exhibit Differences in Lipoprotein Metabolism, The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 133, Issue 4, 1 April 2003, Pages 1036–1042,

5. Eck, Paul. “How Increasing Your Energy Enhances Your Health, Emotions, Personality, and Your Ability to Achieve Success and Happiness.” The Healthview Newsletter. p23. 1981

6. Saad M, J, A, Morais S, L, Saad S, T, O, Reduced Cortisol Secretion in Patients with Iron Deficiency. Ann Nutr Metab 1991;35:111-115

7. A.M.WilliamsonK.T.NgA.Richdale. “Changes in corticosterone levels in iron deficient rats. Department of Psychology, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria, Australia 3083. Received 1 July 1981, Available online 25 March 2003.

8. McKay LI, Cidlowski JA (2003). “Physiologic and Pharmacologic Effects of Corticosteroids”. In Kure DW, Pollock RE, Weichselbaum RR, Bast RC, Ganglier TS, Holland JF, Frei E. Holland-Frei Cancer Medicine (6 ed.). Hamilton, Ontario: Decker.



Are You Nervous Without Knowing It?

Image result for walking on a tight rope

Mind over matter. This is a mantra familiar to most people today. It can help us get through our day, tend to our daily tasks and responsibilities, and motivate us during physical activity. The outcome is positive to the naked eye: we’re able to conquer our laziness, fatigue, or lack of motivation, and take action. However, is there a price to pay without knowing it?


Our ability to move, get up, or grab something is determined by our Nervous System, which consists of our brain, spine, and the many nerve endings that go across our body. However, there is a part of our nervous system that’s not within our control, which helps dictate our survival and adaptation as a human being. This is called the Autonomic Nervous System, and regulates our bodily functions such as1:

  • breathing
  • digestion
  • heart rate
  • urination
  • sexual arousal

*Note: “Autonomic” is related to the word “autonomous,” which means independent, self-determined


In a healthy body, when we are at rest or relaxed, the part of the Autonomic Nervous System that becomes activated is called the Parasympathetic Nervous System. This is the “Calm” branch of our Autonomic Nervous System. This means our heart is not beating fast, the food we ate earlier is digesting normally, and we are breathing normally. But when we are anxious or frightened, the part of the Autonomic Nervous System that becomes activated is called the Sympathetic Nervous System. This is the “Stressed” branch of our Autonomic Nervous System. This means our heart beats faster, the food we ate earlier doesn’t digest as well, and we breathe more rapidly. This is also referred to as our “fight or flight” response, when we decide to fight (become angry or aggressive), or flee (withdraw). This has had a primitive origin for our survival throughout human history, allowing us to adapt accordingly to different situations.


This is important to know, because many of us today are operating in a predominantly sympathetic state without knowing it. If you experience anyone or more of the following:

  • Need coffee or tea to get through the day
  • Have difficult napping
  • If you are not on the move, you feel tired or sleepy
  • Difficult for you to be idle

Then you might be Sympathetic Dominant2. This occurs when there is an imbalance between your Sympathetic Nervous System and Parasympathetic Nervous System, meaning your body has difficulty relaxing like it’s supposed to. This is an internal state, meaning you feel wound up without any necessary external triggers, but it’s as if you are constantly anxious or frightened. For example, you may have a tendency for heart palpitations, tremors, and/or restlessness.


Although, more often than not, you may feel fine. Meaning, you don’t feel anxious or frightened. However, this is because Sympathetic Dominance is a compensatory mechanism your body enlists when your body is lacking in energy. This is generally caused by sub optimal functioning of your thyroid and adrenal glands, so you have to “will” yourself more to get things done, strongly activating your Sympathetic Nervous System. Some ailments that may arise from being sympathetic dominant include2:

  • Hypo or Hypertension
  • Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
  • Grave’s Disease
  • ADHD
  • Constipation
  • Nerve Pain
  • Chest Pain
  • Joint Pain


So what is the best way to prevent or remedy Sympathetic Dominance?

1. Adequate sleep: Getting at least 9 hours every night3

2. Limit caffeine: Limiting yourself to 1 cup of regular coffee or black tea a day (if desired)3      

3. Meditation: This will help activate your parasympathetic nervous system

4. Napping: If and when possible, try to take a short nap everyday

5. Avoid strenuous physical activity: If you are pushing yourself everyday in the gym, then it’s too much

6. Avoid always “Being on the Go”: Try to take time to read, listen to music or an audio book

7. Get a Hair Mineral Analysis: Check to see if you have sympathetic dominance, sub optimal adrenal and/or thyroid glands, which can cause you to become sympathetic dominant in the future. Visit Services on my website if interested in a Hair Mineral Analysis.


Willpower is a very precious and powerful thing we have, from helping us get through the day, to helping us reach our life’s highest goals and aspirations. However, it shouldn’t have to come at the cost of our health. Happy 2018, and I hope for success and wellness for everyone.

Thank you for reading.


*All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health conditions.


1. Schmidt, A; Thews, G (1989). “Autonomic Nervous System”. In Janig, W. Human Physiology (2 ed.). New York, NY: Springer-Verlag. pp. 333–370.

2. Wilson, L. (2016, August). Sympathetic Dominance. Retrieved from

3. Wilson, L. (2017, December). The “Free” Nutritional Balancing Program. Retrieved from


Why do you have Insomnia?

There are 4 primary reasons why people can’t sleep:
1. Copper imbalance
2. Biounavailable Calcium & Magnesium
3. Hypoglycemia
4. Emotional imbalance
 Copper is not something that most of us think when it comes to sleep, but it is the single most common cause of insomnia. Copper is important for many activities in the body such as the cross-linking of elastin and actin, the formation of superoxide dismutase (a critical antioxidant in our cells), and the formation of the pigment of our skin, hair, and eyes. So how does it interfere with sleep? Through 3 main ways: increasing levels of norepinephrine & epinephrine, reducing levels of serotonin, and causing a GABA/Glutamate imbalance. Copper increases norepinephrine by increasing its conversion from dopamine, and stimulates the production of epinephrine. Norepinephrine & epinephrine are excitatory neurotransmitters that are especially relevant when we are in “fight or flight mode,” when they are secreted from our adrenal glands. This can lead to symptoms of:
-Heart palpitations  
In fact, it was in 1984 that Dr. Pfeiffer and Dr. Goldstein discovered that the administration of copper can be equivalent to that of amphetamine in its CNS stimulation.
Copper interferes with the function of zinc and vitamin B6 to catalyze the formation of serotonin from 5-HTP, leading to lower levels of this neurotransmitter. Serotonin is an inhibitory neurotransmitter, which is important for regulating mood and appetite. It’s also the precursor to melatonin—one of the most popular supplements people use for insomnia.  However, another important function that serotonin has in the body is regulating the flow of thoughts and information. When levels become low, one can experience:
-Racing thoughts
-Obsessive thoughts
Not surprisingly, the class of drugs called SSRI’s is used in these conditions, which enhance the effects of serotonin.
Also, copper interferes with the function of vitamin B6 to catalyze the formation of GABA from glutamate, resulting in lower levels of GABA in relation to Glutamate. Glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain, and GABA is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. Together, they make up over 80% of brain activity. When there is an imbalance, one might experience:
-Muscle tension
In these conditions, the class of drugs called benzodiazepines are commonly used, which enhance the effects of GABA.
So would most cases of insomnia resolve just by lowering the copper? Yes, but not in the manner of “chelation” as one would think to remove the mineral. Copper has an intimate relationship to your adrenals that one must fully appreciate in order to correct not only insomnia—but also most health problems. According to Hair Analysis, at least 80% of the people are Slow Oxidizers, meaning their adrenals are suboptimal. When the adrenal activity is low, copper accumulates in the tissues such as the brain, kidneys, and liver. Whenever the adrenals are stimulated, copper in the tissues are pulled out, increasing its levels in the blood, and some are eliminated through the bile. In most patients who have copper-related insomnia, their adrenal activity or cortisol levels are high at bedtime, leading to copper dumping into the blood, causing the symptoms of high norepinephrine, low serotonin, and/or GABA/Glutamate imbalance that go along with it. Why is their cortisol high at bedtime? This is because the Slow Oxidizer upon getting out of bed has to whip their adrenals into action throughout the day whether it’s through caffeine, stress, or physical activity. By the end of the day, the adrenals are too stimulated, and it’s hard to unwind to sleep. Additionally, the elevated cortisol breaks down tryptophan levels (the precursor to serotonin) and reduces GABA levels, adding to the sleepless assault of copper.
What about Calcium & Magnesium? They are both sedative minerals, which relax the mind and can help many people fall asleep. Calcium helps to catalyze the formation of 5-HTP from tryptophan, and magnesium helps to catalyze the formation of serotonin from 5-HTP. Magnesium has also been found to possess benzodiazepine-like effects, in enhancing the effects of GABA. However, in many people their benefits are not fully felt because of sluggish adrenals. Adrenals have the ability to ionize a mineral, meaning it becomes the bioavailable form for the body to use. In many Slow Oxidizers, calcium & magnesium levels are above the normal limits, because low adrenal activity has failed to adequately ionize them, so they build up in the brain, arteries, and kidneys. They will then experience symptoms of calcium & magnesium deficiency such as:
-Muscle tension
Hypoglycemia or “low blood sugar” is another cause of disturbed sleep, where the person might wake up several times after sleeping.  When the body’s blood sugar drops, epinephrine acts on the receptors on the liver to increase the production of glucose into the blood. As we know, epinephrine is an excitatory neurotransmitter that will cause a wakeful state.  What can cause this hypoglycemia? Sluggish adrenal activity and/or a blood sugar insulin imbalance. It can be difficult at times to differentiate whether the cause of the insomnia is excessive adrenal activity or low adrenal activity (less common) causing hypoglycemia.  Some hints to indicate that it’s low adrenal activity: the person wakes up between 1-3 am, and the person feels hungry.
Emotions can be a strong factor in allowing one to sleep properly. Anyone who experiences stress, worry, or grief, will find their sleep disturbed. As important as it is to engage in relaxing activities before going to sleep such as counting sheep, meditating, journaling, reading, and listening to music, their true power tends to be overstated in most health circles. I am not discounting their benefit, but in most people with severe insomnia, their chemistry is so imbalanced that no matter how much they “will” themselves to sleep, they will have limited success. Often, balancing their chemistry will allow these relaxing activities to become more effective. Nevertheless, emotions must be ultimately addressed.  The use of essential oils and Bach Flower remedies are specific remedies that can help balance a person emotionally.
So what can we make of all this? How should we go about correcting our insomnia? First, knowing the severity of our insomnia can give us a good idea on how to start. If your insomnia is mild-moderate, then you might get by with the following supplements:
-Coffea Cruda 30c, Passiflora Plex, Inositol 500 mg, Doterra Balance, Bach White Chestnut, Bach Flower Rescue or Sleep Spray, Tryptophan 1-3 grams: Good for racing mind
-Dr. Schulze’s Nerve Formula, Dr. Christopher’s Relax-Eze, Valerian Root, Theanine, PharmaGABA, and Paramin: Good for relaxing
*Note: Avoid the use of 5-HTP since it can raise cortisol levels, which can be detrimental in insomnia patients.
If your insomnia is moderate-severe, then the above supplements might not suffice. If benzodiazepines or other strong drugs are necessary to put you asleep, then you probably have elevated cortisol levels. In that case, specific cortisol-lowering supplements must be used (under the supervision of a health practitioner) in order to effectively reduce cortisol levels at bedtime. As long as cortisol levels are high, many supplements and even pharmaceuticals will not work, and you will be “refractory” to treatment. In fact, this population tends to be at high risk to becoming hooked or dependent on strong drugs to allow it to sleep (Was it because of high cortisol levels at bedtime that Michael Jackson only got sleep from Propofol?). It is important in this case, for the person to not become discouraged. The beauty of holistic medicine is its love affair with human physiology, allowing a cause to be found for every ailment.  It is especially important in patients who have “refractory” insomnia, to get their hair analyzed. The overall state of their adrenal activity must be assessed and balanced with specific supplements. For example, if a patient is a Slow Oxidizer, and even if their cortisol at bedtime is sufficiently reduced, there will always be the risk of their cortisol rising again since the person has to “whip” their adrenals into action throughout the day. Additionally, the patient must undergo detoxification to eliminate copper and toxic metals that are stressing the adrenals. Emotionally, the patient must also be addressed. Reading relaxing books, listening to relaxing music, meditating, journaling, and positive thinking can be good tools in helping one’s insomnia. However, the power of these tools is often overestimated since most patients with insomnia have a significant amount of biochemical imbalance (as explained) that unless addressed first, will easily overpower these psychological techniques.
Thanks for reading.
“Hypercupremia-High Copper.” Insight Naturopathy.  2012. <>
Ross, Julia. “Eliminating the Top Causes of Insomnia: Neurotransmitter Deficiency and Cortisol Excess.” The Townsend Letter Group. 2011.
“Nutritional Causes of Insomnia.” Analytical Research Laboratories, Inc.  1990. <>


What is your Personality? Part 3

Did you know that every mineral has a personality associated with it? To me, this is the most fascinating concept I learned in Hair Mineral Analysis.  But does that really make sense? If we fully accept the relationship between mind & body, it does indeed. As you read in Part 2, our chemistry has a profound effect on our psychological well-being. One barrier that many have in fully grasping this concept is that I am providing a mechanical description of human psychology.  Meaning, your personality is directly derived from your chemistry and that I am discounting the power of human will. An analogy to an automobile may help.
Your “will” is you sitting behind the driver’s seat. You have the choice to push the gas pedal, hit the brakes, and steer right or left. If your car is in excellent condition, then you are working with maximum “potential.” If you are calm and relaxed, not frustrated or upset, you can “will” your “potential” to your liking. This is called self-actualization. You can accelerate as you like, slow down if you have to, and make the proper turns. I believe this is when true happiness can occur in human beings.
Unfortunately, most of our bodies today are weak—our cars are not in good condition. So our potential is much less than it can be. Does this compromise our ability to function in day to day life? No.  Most of us will be able to get by. An old rusty buggy might get you to the supermarket and back fine, but is it ideal? In my opinion, we are not here on this Earth to just function and get by. I believe we are here to evolve, grow, and mature as fully developed human beings. But what happens with the old buggy? It won’t accelerate like it should so you have push down on the gas pedal harder. You have to “will” it more. The brakes might not work well, so you have to go at a lower speed to make cleaner stops. You under utilize your “will.” You are either overexerting yourself or under exerting self. Your “will” and “potential” are not in harmony with each other. This conflict can engender feelings of tension and frustration within you. It may build up to the point that you take your car to the shop. Or, as in the case with most people, you learn to adapt. Your awareness of this conflict diminishes. You learn to “will” your way through life. But, you may end up paying devastating consequences. Your body becomes so weak that it won’t listen to your will anymore. Like a car that becomes stranded in the middle of the highway, you may suddenly collapse with a heart attack or stroke.
If we optimize our car (body), we will allow the maximum potential for our will to proceed with less frustration and tension. We can better cruise in life. So what constitutes the structure and function of our body? Minerals. They are responsible for our physical structure and the thousands of chemical reactions inside our cells, affecting every organ system in our body. These essential minerals are: Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Copper, Zinc, Iron, Manganese, Chromium, Selenium, Iodine, Lithium, Boron, and Molybdenum.  Like in a successful play, each of these minerals has to play their role and only read from their script. If a person’s chemistry is imbalanced, then this harmony becomes disrupted. Suddenly, the extras are playing the role of the protagonists. The quality of the play diminishes. The minerals that tend to become dominant in an imbalanced person are:
1. Copper: This is most prevalent imbalance today. This tends to be more severe in women, but is equally prevalent in men. Copper is a feminine mineral. In general, it is responsible for making us softer than our previous generations. It has a stimulatory affect, acting on our diencephalon (old brain). Copper dominant individuals can be very bright, creative, and sensitive.  However, they can also be too emotional, have racing thoughts, and experience mood swings. Some CNS (Central Nervous System) manifestations include:
2. Calcium: Similar to being strong structurally, it has a tough and protective effect on someone’s personality. However, it can also make one “too serious,” apathetic, and emotionally suppressed.  Some CNS manifestations include:
-Low libido
3. Iron: “Iron heads” tend to be very common in our population today. Iron dominant tend to be determined, ambitious, and charismatic. However, they can also be risk-takers and have authoritative tendencies. It also accumulates in the amygdala of the brain, which has to do with feelings of rage and anger.
4. Manganese:  Manganese dominant individuals tend to be emotionally cool and quiet. However, they can show erratic behavior, extreme irritability, impulsiveness, and violent behavior. In fact “Manganese Madness” is a psychosis condition that tends to affect miners, welder, and others exposed to large quantities of manganese.  Some CNS manifestations include:
-Violence (In fact, studies performed in the California State Prison System in the 1980’s showed that inmates had 2-7 times the amounts of manganese in their hair tissue as controls).
But as I mentioned in Part 2, we have a bigger problem to worry about in today’s modern era. This is the unprecedented high level of toxicity we are exposed to today. These are in the forms of ionizing radiation, EMF waves, pesticides, and especially, toxic metals. They wreak havoc by displacing our essential minerals, and causing and exacerbating their imbalances. Toxic metals imbalance a person’s chemistry, and poor nutrition makes you more susceptible to this consequence. So how do toxic metals affect our personality? Let’s look at Mercury, Lead, Cadmium, and Aluminum.
1. Mercury: Like copper, mercury is a very feminine and emotional mineral. Mercury toxic individuals tend to be very intelligent, have a good sense of humor, and exhibit quick thinking. However, they can be timid, irritable, devious, violent, and kooky. Mercury toxicity is shown in The Hatter character in Alice of Wonderland. Back then, mercury was used in the process of making hats, coining these mercury-toxic individuals as “mad hatters.”
2. Lead: Similar to its structural feature as extremely heavy and dense, it can lower one’s IQ and make one feel dull and “dense.” Interestingly, lead was used to make water pipes in the Roman Empire, where it poisoned the people who drank the water. Some believe this may have contributed to the unexpected fall of Rome. Some CNS manifestations include:
-Mental retardation
3. Cadmium: It is a very heavy, hard, and tough mineral that industries use for plating to cover up softer minerals such as copper, brass, or aluminum. Similarly, it is has the effect of acting like a “pseudo-macho mineral” on one’s personality. It can harden individuals and make them appear strong, when they are really weak and brittle underneath.  It also has the interesting effect of sequestering copper, hiding the sensitive side of the person. Some CNS manifestations include:
-Mental retardation
4. Aluminum: It is a very lightweight, soft, and toxic mineral. Aluminum toxic individuals tend to be mentally weak, soft in the head, and exhibit forgetfulness and foggy thinking. Some CNS manifestations include:
-Alzheimer’s disease
 5. Arsenic: This is considered to be the slow death mineral. It is used commonly today in pesticides. Some CNS manifestations include:
 So thus, as successful as Dr. Watson was 30 years ago in affecting his patients’ personalities by balancing their chemistry through diet and supplementation, it is a much more challenging task today because of these toxic metals. Detoxification MUST be accompanied for the ultimate balancing of one’s chemistry.  These are methods used to enhance the removal of these toxins through the elimination channels or emunctories of the human body. The 6 primary emunctories are:
1. Colon
2. Kidneys
3. Lungs
4. Liver
5. Skin
6. CNS (Central Nervous System-emotions)
Specific detoxification techniques include Coffee Enemas (colon, liver), Near Infrared Saunas (colon, kidneys, liver, skin), Castor Oil Packs (liver), and Meditation (CNS) which can help accelerate the process of balancing one’s chemistry based on Hair Mineral Analysis. If these emunctories are congested, then a Healing Reaction is more likely to occur.  This is where a patient will feel worse, as toxins are being removed from the cells into the bloodstream, but the body is unable to keep up with its elimination. It is not a sign of alarm, as the patient’s chemistry is in the process of balancing, but can be a cause for discomfort.
Thanks for reading.

Cold & Flu Natural First Aid Kit

Many people today are incredulous about the true power of nutrition/supplements. They believe that just avoiding junk food, exercising, and maybe taking a multivitamin is good enough to be healthy. Therein, ailments that arise have to do with genetics, or psychological reasons. I think of no better opportunity to “prove the power” of nutrition/supplements than when you have the cold or flu. Even in people who have absolutely no experience with supplements, should make use of this post. There is nothing more empowering than taking control of your own health, and being your own healer when you’re sick. Over my years of experience, I have compiled the MOST effective natural first aid kit to take when you’re sick:
 1. Make sure you are taking Vitamin D 5,000 IU/day with food daily.
-This is for everybody regardless of whether they are sick or not. This supplement alone will raise your immune system, and has been shown to reduce the incidence of flu. Note: If you are just beginning vitamin D, get your vitamin D levels tested in 3 months. This way, you can adjust the dose if shows up too low or high.
2. Take 1 tspn of Nutribiotic Sodium Ascorbate Powder (Vitamin C Powder) three times a day, preferably not on an empty stomach. It’d be best to mix it in pure carrot or cranberry juice to mask the taste. Cut back if you start getting runny stools.
-The regular form of vitamin c is called “ascorbic acid” and it may give heartburn or indigestion in susceptible individuals. “Sodium Ascorbate” is the buffered version that can reduce that risk. Each tspn of this powder gives 4 grams of vitamin c. Unfortunately, most people are not aware of how vitamin c works. When you’re sick, your body’s need for vitamin c significantly increases to fight the infection. Your body will let you know if you’ve had enough once you start getting loose stools/diarrhea. Some people may have to take up to 20 grams or more of vitamin c when they’re sick! The body absorbs what it needs, and if it’s too much, it excretes it in the bowels. Adjust the dose as necessary.
3. Take (2) tablets of Limcomin three times a day preferably with food. Increase to (3) tablets if severe. 
-Limcomin is actually a Hair Mineral Analysis product, but it is excellent for colds/flu. It significantly enhances the immune system to help eliminate the infection.
4.  Put (4) drops of Doterra OnGuard in an empty capsule and take this twice a day, preferably with food.
-This is probably the MOST POWERFUL remedy listed on here. In fact, if you have a mild to moderate cold/flu, this item alone might be good enough. It consists of a blend of essential oils: cinnamon, clove bud, eucalyptus, rosemary, and wild orange.
5. Take 1 TBSPN of Sovereign Silver Colloidal Silver three times a day 30 minutes away from food or drink.
-This is an extremely powerful natural antibiotic that is anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral. The best part is that it has no taste. Please refer to this website  for more information about Colloidal Silver.
To this day, neither myself, nor any of my loved ones have had to go to the doctor even when they’ve had the most debilitating and severe cold/flu (knock on wood) using these recommendations. Of course, in people who get sick frequently, the best approach is a Nutritional Balancing Program based on Hair Mineral Analysis. This will get to the root of the problem, and will help prevent future infections.


*None of these recommendations have been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to prevent or treat disease.


What is your Personality? Part 2

“A twenty-two-year-old unmarried woman volunteered as a research patient in a study of the effects of nutritional biochemical treatment in mental illness.…The young woman frankly stated that she had no confidence whatever in the general physical approach we were taking to her kind of problem, but was convinced, rather, that she ‘needed psychoanalysis.’…..She gave the following information about herself in initial interview:
She lived in her family alone with her father. Her mother, a heart patient for many years, had died two years previously of a heart attack….Her father was an excessively ambitious physician who had spent almost no time at all at home with his wife and children….Her recollections of childhood and early youth consisted mainly of painful memories of family arguments, of her mother having fainting spells and heart attacks as a consequence of such arguments. She felt her father had indirectly caused her mother’s early death by his indifference, neglect, and cruelty.”
She reported the following symptoms: severe depression with frequent suicidal urges; often she would stay in her room for days, afraid to see anyone; she developed an extreme revulsion for her father to the point of feeling like running and screaming at his sight…She brooded over her mother’s death constantly, and could not separate this event from her revulsion for her father. On the other hand, she would occasionally be overcome with remorse about her hatred for him and would admit to herself that she also loved and admired him.
Although she was convinced that the suggested biochemical treatment was “silly,” she agreed to give it a fair trial. During the first month her worst symptoms began to disappear. Her depressed days became less and less frequent until they did not recur. And within three months’ time she stated she was well. Her attitude toward her father became normal. Six months after the start of her treatment she became engaged, and she was married the following year.”
This was a passage from the 1972 book, “Nutrition and Your Mind” by Dr. George Watson, Ph.D. This was one of the most influential books I have ever read in my entire life. I had always thought that problems with the mind were purely of psychological origin. They were to be solved with therapy sessions, where the art of understanding and analysis would help lift the cloud of distress from the patient. But as Dr. Watson illustrated through personal accounts, the solution was nearly always very simple: customized nutrition. Suddenly, patients who were told to just be “crazy, depressed, or psychologically unstable,” underwent magical transformation—sometimes overnight, with their previous personality becoming an unrecognizable shadow to their new self.
So how does this happen? One must first acknowledge that we need energy to do anything in life—plan, move, talk and laugh, contemplate, and cry. Second, that this outward energy is merely a reflection of the energy within our cells. The biochemical name for this energy is called ATP.
Our cells are 24-7 factories that work relentlessly day and night to form ATP. Because glucose is the main source of ATP, it becomes their best friend. However, this is no easy task. Glucose has to go through 18 steps before all of its ATP is created, and also, enough fat has to be available for this to occur properly. And herein, lays the problem.
People vary in their rate of how they burn or “oxidize” their glucose. There are 3 types:
1. Fast Oxidizers
2. Slow Oxidizers
3. Mixed Oxidizers
Fast Oxidizers burn glucose too fast, Slow Oxidizers burn glucose too slow, and Mixed Oxidizers are a combination of the two. Does this mean that Fast Oxidizers have more energy than Slow Oxidizers? On the surface, yes, but internally, they are not efficient. Like a wood stove with a fire that is burning too fast, they are overheating the room and are in danger of running out of fuel.
So what Dr. Watson was able to do through specific diet and vitamin/mineral supplementation was to speed up a Slow Oxidizer, and slow down a Fast Oxidizer. This allowed the person to burn glucose at a balanced rate, and thus, a dramatic turnaround would happen in their personality. So what are some personality traits associated with Fast and Slow Oxidizers? Based on degree of their imbalance, they can have one or more of the following symptoms:
Mild Fast Oxidizer
1. Energetic
2. Forward- looking
3. Positive
Extreme Fast Oxidizer
1. Nervousness
2. Fearfulness
3. Aggressiveness
4. High-strung
Mild Slow Oxidizer
1. Quieter
2. Gentler
3. Patient
Extreme Slow Oxidizer
1. Spacey
2. Apathetic
3.  Pessimistic
4. Depressed
5. Over analytical
6. Nervousness
7. Defensiveness
8. Rigidity
Based on Hair Mineral Analysis, at least 85% of people today are Slow Oxidizers. This can have a tremendous affect on many different aspects of your life such as the friends you make, the partner you choose, your profession, and the hobbies you partake in.
As Dr. Paul Eck, who enhanced the work of Dr. Watson, and created the nutritional balancing method based on Hair Mineral Analysis, explains:
“Many people have tremendous amounts of love and passion on the ‘inside.’ However, due to inadequate energy levels, they are relatively incapable of fully expressing their deep love and affection.
The reason some people appear to be cold, unloving, and lacking in feeling is not because they want to be this way. They are this way because they have no choice.
Don’t you remember what is was like when you were ill in bed, and you barely had enough energy to even sit up? Were you vivacious and enthusiastic and so radiating with energy that everyone wanted to be around you?
Were you an exciting person to be around? Were you loving and warm and sensitive to the feelings of everyone around you?
I believe that most people could be many times more loving and passionate if they just had more energy.”
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if that were true! If all we needed were a couple of supplements with a diet to balance our chemistry, and then we could tap into our ‘best’ personality.  The reality is: this is true. However, the only difference is unlike Dr. Watson’s case of the 22-year old woman who dramatically changed after 6 months, it will take most people much longer.
This is because now, especially in the 21st century, we are faced with an unprecedented challenge that greatly delays the process of restoring balance to a person’s chemistry……..
Stay tuned for Part 3 to find out.

Are Fruits Healthy to Eat?

Whenever you go to the supermarket, there are plenty fruits to pick from. Apples, oranges, blueberries, watermelons….Generally, they are regarded as a healthy choice. In fact, in a person who mostly eats fast food, sweets, and preservative-rich processed foods, fruits can be a good way from transitioning to healthier eating habits. However, this is only because the person is now replacing their junk food. Inherently, excessive fruit consumption poses quite a few problems.  Before I explain, let’s put a couple things in perspective about the general population today:
              -Stomach Pain
              -Constipation and/or Diarrhea
             *Note: Caffeine is dehydrating, so each cup of coffee=3 cups of water lost.
  • Most are very Yin, according to Hair Mineral Analysis
Most fruit consist of two simple sugars: glucose and fructose. Let’s look at the mechanism of their consequences:
1. Glucose & Fructose feed yeast–>Candida
2. Glucose causes insulin spike–>Diabetes
3. Fructose doesn’t cause an insulin spike, but increases your:
-Uric Acid
-Ghrelin (hormone that STIMULATES appetite)–>Diabetes
4. Glucose causes insulin spike, which can lower blood sugar and reflexively increases–>Cortisol
5. Glucose & Fructose pull water from the cells through osmosis–>Dehydration
6. Also, fruits are very Yin according to Chinese Medicine
       Reasons why people can be attracted to fruits:
  • They are consisted of simple sugars, so they are easier to digest
  • People generally have chronic low blood sugar due to weak adrenals, so are attracted to its blood sugar raising effects
  • Yeast craves for it, so people feel better when they eat it
  • Fruit is high in potassium, which helps boost a person’s adrenals
         *Note: better alternative is organic apple cider vinegar and/or carrot juice
The takeaway is this: although classic “junk food” has a much bigger role in increasing your risk for diabetes, you want to especially avoid the fruits high in fructose:
  • Figs
  • Apricots
  • Mangos
  • Grapes
  • Raisins
  • Pears
And EAT the fruits with less fructose that are less sweet and don’t feed yeast as much:
  • Berries
  • Kiwi
  • Grapefruit
  • Pomegranate
Even then, you should limit eating fruits 1-2 times a day because of their very Yin nature. Also, you MUST eat fruit at least 30 minutes before all other foods, since it interferes with the digestion of protein and starch. A better option are cooked vegetables, which are packed with just as much antioxidants and fiber, don’t contain as much fructose to feed yeast, and are much more Yang. In my opinion, based on the population that we have today, fruit is NOT essential to a healthy diet. However, cooked vegetables ARE essential to a healthy diet.
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