Top 5 Benefits of Carrot Juice

carrot juice

Drinking 8-10 oz. of carrot juice everyday is excellent for overall health, and works well with Nutritional Balancing via Hair Mineral Analysis. One must drink it at least 15 minutes before meals, or 3 hours after eating a meal. You can have it in the following ways:

  • Juicing organic carrots at home (best)
  • Buying freshly made carrot juice at a store
  • Buying a brand that is pasteurized such as Bolthouse


The top 5 benefits of drinking carrot juice include:

1. Helping the Heart: Cholesterol is something most of us have heard of, and LDL is the specific “bad cholesterol” that the doctor tests for when they draw our blood. When LDL builds up in our blood, it can “harden our arteries” (atherosclerosis), and increase the chance of a heart attack or stroke. When LDL is “damaged” or oxidized, you’re even more likely to get a heart attack.

Fortunately, carrot juice is a good antioxidant that can partially block the oxidation of LDL! 


2. Helping the Immune System: Everyone wants to avoid catching a cold or flu, and not just in the winter months. Carrot juice can be one of many tools that can help boost your immune system.


3. Helping the DNA: Cancer occurs when there is an overgrowth of cells in the body, as a result of DNA becoming damaged or mutated. Carrot juice can help reduce the damage that would otherwise occur in our DNA during our lifetime.


4. Decent Plant-Source of Calcium:  1 cup of carrot juice can give 40 mg of calcium. Although the amount is low compared to a cup of yogurt (up to 450 mg), the calcium in carrots gets absorbed just as well as dairy. There are other plant foods that are a higher source of calcium (spinach), but aren’t absorbed as well.


5. Excellent Source of Beta-Carotene:  When most of us think of beta-carotene, we think of carrots. In fact, it is beta-carotene that gives carrots it’s orange color. Beta-carotene gets converted to the preformed Vitamin A called retinol, which our body converts to the active form to utilize for the health of our eyes, immune system, and skin.

So how much Vitamin A do we need daily? Most adults need about 3,000 IU of retinol, or 18,000 IU of beta-carotene per day. When you drink a cup of carrot juice you get about 33,000 IU of beta-carotene, which is almost double the amount of Vitamin A you need! However, this “extra” beta-carotene is actually an added bonus, since about half the population have a gene variant that DECREASES our ability to convert beta-carotene to retinol from 30-70%.



*All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health conditions.

















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